Script: --on windowEvent --wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬¬if objValue="Open" then¬else if objValue="Close" then¬ ¬else if objValue="Suspend" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="Resume" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="CloseBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="ZoomBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="GrowBox" then ¬ ¬else if objValue="TitleBar" then ¬ ¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent¬¬
Balloon: Saves this name information to the Names List
Script: NewNameSave wdName
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 208,112,280,128
Name: Cancel
DefaultItem: TRUE
CancelItem: TRUE
AutoClose: TRUE
Balloon: Closes this window
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 16,9,73,21
Text: First Name:
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 36,34,73,46
Text: Middle:
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,9,287,25
Name: First Name
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
Script: if ":" is in objValue then¬ answer "Please remove all colons (“:”) from name."¬ return "JBfalse"¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,33,287,49
Name: Middle Name
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
Script: if ":" is in objValue then¬ answer "Please remove all colons (“:”) from name."¬ return "JBfalse"¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,57,287,73
Name: Last Name
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
Script: if ":" is in objValue then¬ answer "Please remove all colons (“:”) from name."¬ return "JBfalse"¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,81,195,97
Name: PINNo
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
Script: put line 8 of bg fld "Preferences" into numDigits¬if numDigits is not empty and numDigits is a number then¬ if length of objValue ≠ numDigits then¬ answer "PIN must be" && numDigits && "digits long."¬ return true¬ end if¬end if
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,139,167,155
Name: JBidNo
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,160,287,176
Name: NameDataBank
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
ItemType: TEXT
Rect: 72,181,164,197
Name: EditLineNo
LockText: FALSE
TextStyle: Bold
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 19,57,73,69
Text: Last Name:
ItemType: LBL
Rect: 50,81,73,93
Text: PIN:
Balloon: PIN is Pager ID Number. Usually this is a 7 digit number used to call a specific person's pager.